Monday, February 3, 2014

News and what comes next

Since it has been a month since I received GOOD news (for once) I thought maybe I should share it.  I have been telling people in person as I see them, but I have not let myself sit down and actually type this all out.  Maybe it is because I am somewhat still in denial, maybe it is because I am afraid I will somehow jinx myself, but since Frank keeps asking me when I am going to blog so that everyone else knows the news, I guess it is time.  Today is another snow day, so while Hudson sleeps, I will type.

On Dec. 28 I had another PET/CT scan and on January 2, 2014 I got my results as I met with my new surgeon.  The lymph nodes in my right arm pit as well as the tumor in my vertebrae did NOT light up which means the PET/CT scan did not show any visible cancer!  However, this does not mean I am done with everything.  There is still more to my cancer journey, but my oncologist is very happy with the results.  So what does this mean for the next few months?

1. Four more Herceptin infusions.  My last infusion is April 17, 2014.

2. Surgery to remove the lymph nodes in my armpit (not all, just the ones that had cancer and a few around them).  They will do pathology  to them to make sure there are no teeny, tiny cancer cells still inside that were too small to light up.  This will increase my chance of possibly developing edema in my right arm, but I will deal with that if it ever happens. No date for this yet, but most likely the first week of May.

3. 5 weeks of radiation to the right breast area.  This will hopefully ensure that any and all microscopic cells are killed.  Thankfully there is a new Fox Chase Cancer center in Furlong with a full treatment center which I will be able to get my treatments.  This will save me from traveling down to the city every day Monday-Friday for 5 weeks.  Before treatments can begin I will have to heal for a month so I will most likely have treatments until the first week of July and then I can have more of my life back.

Unrelated-to-cancer updates

1. Huddy saves I love you now!  That is the greatest thing EVER!!!!!  He says, "I yuv you momma!"

2. When you ask Hudson his name he says, "Hud-ee" and points to himself.  Adorable.

3. We picked out tiles for the foyer (can't do the project though until our steps get redone, long story).  We also picked out the vanity and light fixture for the powder room.  So, as soon as possible, we will get done.

4. We have five new "family members."  Welcome, Huddy's fishies.  We set up an aquarium.  The first night 3 died from shock, but thankfully Petco replaces them if they die within 30 days of purchase.  Hudson has no idea that some of them are not the same.

5. Huddy does not like his sled or walking in all this snow.  Hopefully that will change soon.

Time for a family hike around the neighborhood to enjoy the winter wonderland.

1 comment:

  1. Caity, This is such good news! I know it doesn't mean you don't have a ways to go, and I know your journey is still a long one, but no visible signs of cancer is wonderful! I also know it's hard to "celebrate" since we never know what will happen in the future and we never know what future tests and scans will tell us. But I will tell you this, because THIS I know: in your own way, do celebrate little milestones. One less treatment or one less radiation or a good scan. True, we don't know what the future brings. But can we ever know? No. We can know what information we are given at the time. So enjoy this now; don't be afraid to. Sending love and warmth, Marjorie
