Monday, February 25, 2013


I have always been motivated, aware of and affected by numbers.  I still know most of my friend's childhood home phone numbers and addresses.  I know all my friends birthdays and anniversaries. I have to set the volume on the TV on an even number, ha.  When I work out I set mini goals for myself based on the calories burned or minutes exercised.  I love playing timed games so that I can beat my previous scores. I love to-do lists and countdowns.  I am so motivated by the ability to physically cross something off.

That being said, numbers are going to surround me throughout this cancer journey.  Dates of treatments, number of treatments, white blood count, blood pressure, pulse, my weight (losing or gaining), number of medicines, length of time for each treatment, co-pays, 3rd floor, number of deduction days taken from work and so on.

Later this week I will find out the number of radiation treatments I will need.  Anywhere from 1-3 so they can make sure to avoid my spinal cord.  The good news, I may feel some immediate relief and within 2-3 days I should be substantially better.

Chemotherapy and other infusions will last for ONE year.  The tentative starting date is March 7.  (As long as my insurance gets the approval back to them on time, I will be good to go.) 

I will be given 4 different drugs through my port in 3 phases. 

Phase 1: 2 drugs, every 3 weeks for 4 treatments - the drugs are Adriamycin (this is red and will make my urine red!) & Cytoxan - these are the 2 drugs that will make me the sickest and make my hair fall out. These infusions will take between 3-4 hours.  They are given 3 weeks apart so the patients' bodies have more time to recover and their white blood cells can get back up. I was prepared for 6 weeks of these medicines so already the countdown has begun.  Only 4 really crappy weekends are in the near future.  8 or so days of fatigue, nausea and whatever else happens. 

Phase 2: 2 drugs, every week for 12 weeks - Taxotere & Herceptin - Herceptin is the drug that will attack the HER2 protein that is part of this cancer.  Taxotere can cause hair thinning and may slow down the regrowth process, but will not stop it completely.  My doctor said the sick factor of this phase is "medium."  So, I will not feel nearly as bad as the first 4 treatments, but I will still feel sick.

Phase 3: 1 drug, every 3 weeks for 8 months - Herceptin - a continuation of the drug started in phase 2.  Infusion will take about 90 minutes.  This drug has little to no side effects.  However, there is a slight chance of heart issues so every 3 months I will get another Echo Cardigram (heart ultrasound).  "Good news" I can get these infusions on the weekends at a different location so I will not have to miss work!

Realistic Side Effects from the drugs:
  • hair loss - this is the hardest part, such a physical sign of cancer
  • nausea - but there are drugs to help with that
  • low blood counts - there are also meds to help that if needed
  • numbness/tingling in hands & feet - temporary
  • fingernail changes - black lines that will grow out once treatment is finished
  • loss of menstrual cycle - really not a problem for me
Other information I learned today:
  • I will be able to get a wig, free of charge!
  • No buffets or salad bars due to high amount of germs.
As I go through the weeks, months, and the following year I will be counting down.  Counting down the treatments until I get to the end.  When I am finished, I will be counting AHEAD.  Counting each birthday, holiday, wedding, party, school year etc since finishing.  Counting each and every day & year that I will be cancer FREE!

I will have free Wi-Fi during chemo so I will try to blog when I am there.  At least the first time.  If I can steady my hands enough to type.

1 comment:

  1. Stay stong Cait! You have so much support. I will be constantly thinking about you :) -Kristin
